Calendar of the 2024 Wine Festa Tour
Here at the winery it has been a non-stop stream of visitors visiting and wine-tasting, and we have enjoyed it very much!
Happy memories of the last Wine Festa Tour
I returned to Tuscany last week from the US, just in time to enjoy Easter dinner with my dear family and of course Erika!
The Wine Festa Tour 2019 was a success!
The Wine Festa Tour 2019 in the US was a great success, with over 30 wine festivals attended by more than 800 guests.
Let me show you my Wine Festa Tour!
I took part in the Wine Festa Tour again this year. These are just some of the incredible moments, but I absolutely had to share them with you.
The Wine Festa Tour Report
The 2018 Wine Festa Tour in the US was a great success and I am truly moved and honoured by the warm and enthusiastic reception of this year’s events.
Some pics from the Wine Festa Tour
Hi guys! Have a look at some of my favorites moments during the Wine Festa Tour. Having fun with my friends, drinking some of my wines and – before start drinking! – explaining how much passion and hard work are necessary to produce a great wine.
Wine Maker Dinner Tour
Hello and best wishes from the I Selvatici Winery Wine Maker Dinner Tour! We are at the halfway point of our tour season and it’s been a great journey sharing this seasons special vintages.
With Kurt waiting for the New Year!
Aspen, with one of my favorite actors waiting for the new year. Great Kurt!
Wine Dinner Tour Calendar 2017
We hope you are all having a great summer. I am pleased to report that the grapes are growing nicely and we anticipate a high quality harvest for 2016.