The true origins of a great wine

The basis of every great wine is definitely great terroir and constant care of the vineyards. But, in our case, there is mostly the passion of a family. A passion that has been handed down for generations and that today animates Giuseppe, Carla and Fausto who, every day, wake up at dawn to guard their vineyards and lands.

Una tradizione lunga quasi cento anni

Today Giuseppe is the soul of the farm. Over the years, he learned the best of viticulture and winemaking through the teachings of his grandfather and father Fausto, the many mentors he met, and his own studies.

His youth was spent alongside his grandfather and father in the vineyards, first admiring the teams hand-picking only the best grapes each fall.
Then to work alongside them and, finally, to organize and control all stages of production: from harvesting to winemaking.

The elements of nature, now as then, always pose new challenges, especially if the goal is to produce fine wines, capable of truly telling the story of a territory.
Some vintages are too wet or dry, or too hot or cool. Each of these aspects changes the way the grapes must be treated and the final result, the one in the bottle.

The heart of the work of Giuseppe and his family is precisely related to managing this complexity.

The goal is always the same: to find the best synthesis between the fruit of these great vines, the typical Chianti soil and the climate.

Today, Giuseppe’s experience completes the story of I Selvatici and the wines produced in the hills surrounding his home.

And the attempt he makes, every day, is to make available to new and historic customers, an authentic wine, different from industrial ones, perhaps always different but, certainly, always able to tell the characteristics of a unique territory.

And to do so through the sacrifice and love of a Tuscan family.